Text: The HTML Grinder is expired and requires a serial number. However, you can continue to use certain features of the Find & Replace wheel at no charge. Click the button at the right to use this FREE wheel.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 51,101,385,137
Name: register message
BlackColor: -1,-1,-1
WhiteColor: 13108,13109,26212
TextAlign: Center
Text: You can purchase a serial number for the HTML Grinder for just $89. Use the order form on our Web site, or email us for other payment options. We'll email you a serial number you can enter into this window.
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 38,205,398,217
Name: we accept
BlackColor: -1,-1,-1
WhiteColor: 13108,13109,26212
TextAlign: Center
Text: We accept credit cards, checks & purchase orders by web, email, phone or fax